Canteen Information
Parents & Citizen’s Association operate the schools canteen; where all proceeds are returned back to the school to supplement amenities and resources which help to support your child’s learning and development.
As we are a school that promotes healthy eating, our canteen menu offers options that meet National healthy School Guidelines for a balanced diet and the Department of Education – Healthy Food and Drink Policy.
The school canteen is open daily Monday to Friday
Before School 8.00am to 8.40am
Break 1 10.48am to 11.18am
Break 2 1.26pm to 1.56pm
Orders can be manually placed before 8:35am if you child wishes to complete themselves (bags available at canteen).
Our canteen also has EFTPOS facilities available.
Online Ordering
Online ordering is encouraged via Compass to ensure you have a full choice of menu items, as only a selection of items are available to purchase at breaks. Online orders can be placed until 9.00am each day via Compass only. Simply log into your compass account and select the community icon, selecting canteen.
Volunteers Welcome
Volunteers greatly assist the canteen to operate successfully and is a great way to be part of the school too!
If you can spare some time, even as little as 30-45 minutes once or twice a week or even month. Your time will really make a difference and be greatly appreciated.
Please contact the school on 9797 9200 to speak with the Canteen Team