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Welcome to Dalyellup College

We believe our students have great potential and we ensure they thrive in a rich and nurturing environment.
Dalyellup College is one of the newest secondary facilities in the Bunbury/Capel region. The college initially commenced as a primary school at the current Wake Drive location, before expanding to a K – Year 11 college. In 2013 the college de-merged into two primary schools and a separate Year 7 to 12 secondary facility. At this time, all three schools gained Independent Public School status and formed the Dalyellup Cluster of Independent Public Schools. The three schools closely cooperate to ensure a seamless K-12 education for the local community.
Dalyellup College features the latest ‘state of the art’ facilities in the region. This includes two large two storey buildings to accommodate science, information technology, student services, senior school and generalist classrooms, seventy-five seat lecture theatre and staff facilities. There is also a separate new facility for design and technology and home economics. The total building program has ensured that our current student population is well accommodated and provides room for future growth within the area.
The college has developed four pathways for senior school students allowing entry into university, further training, vocational education, employment or apprenticeships. For students choosing a university pathway we offer a range of ATAR courses and the Murdoch University FlexiTrack High access pathway. There are a wide variety of additional courses and options to meet student interests and needs, including a range of certificate courses that provide an opportunity for students to excel in areas they are passionate about as well as giving them the opportunity to develop new skills. Senior students also have the opportunity to engage in traineeships whilst attending the college part time.
Over the years the staff, students and parents have worked together to create a safe and harmonious school environment where our students can receive quality educational programs and services. We have developed a strong and committed student services team and pastoral care process to assist students with their academic and social/emotional well-being during their time at Dalyellup College. The college is a Positive Behaviour Support school and our core values and expectations of “Be Responsible, Be Respectful and Be Your Best” encourage students to develop as pro-social citizens.
Our dedicated and committed teachers and support staff ensure the personal and professional growth of our students through the delivery of quality educational programs and experiences.
Our purpose is to promote excellence and provide opportunities for students to develop their skills, knowledge and values. Students are supported to actively build their capacity for respect, responsibility and resilience and are empowered to make informed life choices in a changing society.
You are welcome to browse our website to find out more about what we offer at Dalyellup College.